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Canet - Time to Fly


1. It Works On Me
2. Dancing with La Javanaise
3. The Best Views are from The Moon
4. On the Corner of My Place
5. Brooklyn Sky
6. The Most Beautiful Place
7. Adelaida

About Album

Canet’s third full-length album, “Time to Fly” was written, produced and recorded between mid 2017 and early 2018.  This album revives the the old fashion way of crafting audio in the studio as it was recorded mainly as a live album, with the exception of a few elements such as horns and keyboard lines.

This album marks the beginning of a new chapter for Canet from a writing and production point of view, described by many critics as a sound that can easily stand next to The Velvet Underground and artists that have withstood the test of time.

Artist: Canet
Release Date: 5-5-2018
Genre: Rock&Roll

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